Dr. Palani Chidambaram
Dr. Palani Chidambaram is a licensed Internist and Addiction Medicine specialist in Portland, Oregon. He is Board certified in Addiction Medicine & Internal Medicine with more than 20 years of experience in Addiction Medicine & SUD Management. An interest in substance use disorder during his primary care practice led him to complete training in Addiction Medicine. This combined with his background in internal medicine put him on the path to supporting individuals experiencing substance use disorder in finding the absolute best in recovery care.
Dr. Chidambaram’s compassion for those struggling with addiction inspired him to found and lead inpatient addiction medicine programs at Providence hospitals across Portland, where he regularly works with inpatient care teams. He also previously led Addiction Medicine services at Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, where he oversaw addiction care for their large inpatient detox unit and outpatient SUD clinic facilities. His vast knowledge of addiction care and deep understanding of the recovery process help inform his stewardship of Anonymous Health’s focus on providing exceptional and engaging patient care.
In addition to his work with Anonymous Health, Dr. Chidambaram is also an addiction medicine specialist at Providence St. Vincent Hospital in Portland. Dr. Chidambaram received his medical degree from Bangalore University. He completed his residency at Muhlenberg Hospital, affiliated with Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in NJ, and further addiction specialty training at Henry Ford Hospital Detroit. He has been named several times as a Top Addiction medicine specialist.