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Offer a 1-Year Continuum of Care

Our turnkey, powered by Anonymous Health model powers your treatment center with a longitudinal care model and the outcomes sought by payers and patients.

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Longitudinal care model

Offer inpatient, IOP, and outpatient services under your brand

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New revenue and margin
Our "powered by" model operates at a cost that provides new operating margin to your treatment center
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Anonymous Health can have you up-and-running with the full continuum of care in 90 days or less
The Anonymous Health whole-person approach to care

Comprehensive IOP / OP Under Your Brand

Your Coordinated Continuum
Concierge care management

Ongoing, centralized, proactive coordination of the Client Journey after discharge from your RTC

Medication assisted treatment

Our medical staff can coordinate with yours to ensure continuity and seamless transitions in step-down from your RTC to IOP and outpatient care

Teletherapy counseling

Counseling and medical appointments combined with mobile app-based CBT for clinically superior outcomes

Groups and peer support

Online and in-person meeting groups and peer support relationships to support recovery

Mobile CBT app

Engaging weekly “chapters” and daily engagement — based on evidence based practice — strengthen clients on the road to recovery and yield better outcomes

Anonymous Health can fill in the gaps

What services might Anonymous Health be able to help you deploy? Check the boxes and enter your email to learn how you can be LIVE with a complete 1-year continuum of care in < 90 days.

Month 1
Inpatient (ASAM 3.1-4.0)
Month 2–3
PHP/IOP (ASAM 2.1-2.7)
Months 4–12
Outpatient (ASAM 1.0-1.7)


Smiling woman doing yoga
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Prove outcomes

Today’s approaches — short-term interventions, poorly coordinated step-downs, and surveys with low response rates — don’t deliver or show credible outcomes.  True recovery requires longitudinal care.

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Impact total cost of care

Healthcare costs are 3x greater for those struggling with SUD, and broader cost impacts are even higher. Our care model delivers real recovery to reduce total cost of care.

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Differentiate your practice

Seamless transitions and continuum of care — under your brand — position your organization with decisive advantage with patients, families, referral sources, and payers.

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Increase revenue

Our “powered by Anonymous Health” model allows you to rapidly fill any gaps in your IOP and outpatient offerings, providing new revenue and margin to your organization while improving patient outcomes.

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Seamless readmissions when needed

Relapses happen, and continuous engagement with your longitudinal continuum of care ensures that patients can be identified and readmitted when medically necessary.

How long does it take to get started?


Anonymous Health can launch your full longitudinal “continuum of care” in less than 90 days including hiring, technology and RCM infrastructure, marketing materials under your brand, and overall operational readiness.

Who's NPI number is billed?


We can bill under your NPI or ours.  When we bill under your NPI, our services are provided under your supervision and brand.

What metrics are tracked for value-based care (VBC) models?


Our model enables you to track a full set of metrics to support value-based care (VBC) and strategic relationships with your payer partners including:

  1. Longitudinal patient engagement with various modalities of treatment
  2. Substance use
  3. Mental health metrics
  4. Inpatient treatment admissions
  5. Hospitalizations
  6. ED utilization

We can also support your organization with payer-facing engagement materials to facilitate strategic relationships, including payers’ sharing of total cost of care (TCOC) and other metrics.

What care coordination takes place between Anonymous Health and my clinic?


Our outpatient providers engage patients before discharge from inpatient or IOP treatment to establish a trusted relationship and ensure seamless continuity of care.

What is included in your turnkey, continuum of care program?


Anonymous Health provides all of the operational, clinical, and technology resources to deliver a continuum of care under your brand.  This includes but isn’t limited to operational and clinical oversight, RCM operations and infrastructure, licensed staff, and outcomes tracking and metrics.